Thursday, January 10, 2013


I feel that I made a great choice in Switch as the book to kick-off my 52 book reading challenge. The start of a new year is a typical time to implement some positive life changes. Whether they be large or small, change (at least for me) is hard. One of the many changes I am embarking on is to carve out more reading time. Step one...spend less time aimlessly wandering the internet.

Review: Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard  by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Heath and Heath tackle an issue that all of us deal with in so many facets of life--change. This book, basically a guide, shows how change was accomplished in a myriad of situations. Examples are drawn from everywhere, from making changes in a multi-billion dollar company, changing hospital procedures to save lives, and small changes to improve marital relationships, to name a few.

Switch leads you through the process of how to create change in yourself, others, and in organizations by reaching both your intellectual and emotional sides. "The problem is this: Often the heart and mind disagree. Fervently." One section (of many) that impacted me was "shrink the change." If someone is told they are already part-way toward the goal, the change will seem smaller and more attainable. This is definitely a technique I'd like to try at home.

As an added bonus, there is a list of recommended additional reading at the end, many of which were mentioned throughout Switch. This is certainly a book that I'm glad to have purchased rather than borrowed as I see myself revisiting it again in the future.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Happy New Year and welcome to my blog!

I decided to start a blog mainly to log and review books I am reading as part of the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Challenge started by Robin.

My hope is to also (eventually) include chapters from other parts of my life as well.